10 Carefully Considered Observation Essay Topics for You to Notice

It seems easy when you are told to write about what you see. However, it is unfortunate that many students write the wrong things or are at a loss on what to write. It is not that they cannot observe anything but they do not know how to put down their observations in an orderly meaningful way. They do not know how to write an observation essay without professional help and should buy essay online.

An observation paper requires you to practice writing and editing about anything that you have around you but in a format. Below are some tips you can employ.

  • Choose the right topic
    You want to know how to start an observation essay on the right foot? The best way is to be writing on the right topic. You will write better if you choose to write on something you can see for your own. It can be a person, objects or animals. You do not have to write about something exceptional such as a celebrity. What matters is the way you describe them and their behavior- it could make your work outstanding. So what topic do you choose? Here are ten appropriate topics you can write on:
    1. How people behave in shopping malls.
    2. The personality characteristics of Donald trump.
    3. Jealousy of older children for younger ones.
    4. The general atmosphere of a classroom.
    5. How poverty causes people to commit crimes.
    6. How to stop people from littering.
    7. How unethical business practices have affected our environment.
    8. The life of my father – how he survived in defense forces battle.
    9. Why people get jealous and its effects on relationships.
    10. Improving peoples' etiquette in social places.
  • Apply vivid sensory details.
    This type of writing is all about details and it gets better when these details are vivid. Making use of your five senses to get all the sensory details will help to bring the information about your subject alive on paper. Include details of how it looked, smelled, felt, sounded or tasted.
  • Write in the present tense
    This creates an image in the reader’s mind of the event you are describing unfolding right in front of their eyes. Even if you are recalling the event of something you observed in the past, it still has to be written as if it was happening now.
  • Use precise language
    You are required to give the most precise description of the object or event you are writing about. This is why you cannot general terms or those that are not definite or specific. You have to find a word for every object, act or feature. For instance do not say that something tasted bad. Use a precise word that defines the taste such as sour, sweet like honey and so on such that by reading your work the reader can almost feel the taste.