Comprehensive manual on how to write an editorial essay

In editorials, an editor expresses his views regarding a certain topic that he feels strongly about. Usually these topics are related to current events or hot topics. They reflect the facts and opinions regarding a particular subject in a precise manner along with the editor’s analysis of that subject.
When writing an editorial as an assignment, the ideas are the writer’s opinion of the discussed topic/subject. It is important to note that the most important aspect of an editorial is the opinion of the write. For this reason, to have a good editorial use the following tips;

  • Pick good topics for editorial essay and define your perspective. Write notes on the both sides of the issue but do not include this in the actual essay. By considering the ‘opposing side’ you will be able to present your side more persuasively.
  • Write a well-written opinion with points supporting it; you have to convince the reader beyond reasonable doubt that your opinion about the subject is the real deal. You need to have convincing points, ideas or examples (possibly those that the reader relates to) to help ‘buy’ them.
  • Have only one opinion; when it comes to an editorial opinion there can only be one side of the coin. Having more than one will cause the piece to lose its purpose and also confuse the reader.
  • Have a continuous flow of writing; this will keep your work organized and in a structured manner. Also, since the text is based on an opinion, it is important to have a logical flow of ideas so that the readers can understand you better.
  • Add style and flair to the piece to keep your reader engaged to the end. A clear argument alone will not interest your reader, at least not for long. You want to keep them reading your great arguments, so this is what you do; mix up the rhythm of sentences, present otherwise serious ideas in a humorous manner, inject some emotion to connect with your reader and let them feel your passion for the issue at hand.
  • Keep things simple and neat. This concerns your language and sentence structure. You could use emotive language and some clichés (sparingly. also use short sentences and evenly space your paragraphs to make your work easy to read.

Sometimes you need to see the exact format of successful pieces to understand how to write your editorial. Look up an example of editorial essay on the internet and you will find plenty. Also, you can learn more here as you prepare to handle more papers in future.
